This section of the guide includes resources for internal engagement, with tools and references for boards and staff.
Vision & Mission Alignment
This tool assists funders and foundations in understanding if and how Whole Family work might fit with thier vision and mission.

Does Whole Family Fit Your Foundation?
Three board/staff exercises to help identify if and how incorporating and investing in Whole Family strategies will further your foundation’s vision and mission.

Strategic Planning for Whole Family
Questions and considerations that can expand your thinking and analysis for strategic planning, and ultimately improve your outcomes.

Incorporating Whole Family into Strategy
A range of strategies—pilots, programs, intermediary role, policy – and mechanisms for investing—are included here.

Job Descriptions & Roles

Working with Focus Groups
Protocols, questions, and results for parent focus groups on Whole Family strategies and principals.

Communicating with Donors
A conversation among funders about their experiences talking with donors about Whole Family work.

Developing Cross-Sector Partnerships
A set of resources offering how to develop partnerships from a range of sectors and thought leaders.

Sample RFPs, Contracts, Agreements
This section offers examples that can be adapted by foundations focused on Whole Family approaches and programs.

Metrics for Evaluating Impact
A set of resources offering sample metrics and approaches to evaluating Whole Family work.

Assessment & Evaluation Tools
A set of resources and tools providing guidance on how to identify family outcomes; build partnerships to collect data; and package results of Whole Family approaches.